Field of Play

  • 3x™ is played like half court basketball – one goal with teams switching positions on a possession change.

  • There is no out of bounds, just like the original game the Native Americans played.

  • If playing in an enclosed space (e.g. tennis court, box lacrosse court, etc.) the team that touched the ball last before it went out of the field of play becomes defensive team.

  • The teams should establish a checkpoint approximately twenty feet in front of the goal.

Game Play

  • Game starts with a standing faceoff on the count of three, with someone other than those facing off making the count. Any overtime periods will begin in the same fashion.

  • While on defense the goalie may NOT kneel or sit down continuously (not longer than 2-3 seconds). The goalie may go to his knees or tush briefly when a shot is taken by an opponent.

  • If a goalie makes a save and it is determined the goalie was in violation of this rule, then possession returns to the offensive team.

  • On a turnover/change of possession, the defensive team must clear the ball to the Checkpoint before becoming the offensive team.

  • After a goal, the other team is awarded the ball (“Suckers Serve”) at the Checkpoint.

  • Shots cannot be “too hard.” Determination of whether a shot is “too hard” or not should be agreed upon between the participants in a particular game. If an agreement cannot be reached, then any player can request for an objective referee to come and officiate the game. The referee will be assigned by tournament officials and their rulings for the remainder of the game will be final and binding.

  • An offensive player’s stick MAY NOT smash the goal frame while trying to score. Smashing it in is not allowed. This is akin to when a shot is “too hard” and the players in a particular game should make and agree upon the determination. Dunking “too hard” is like a crease violation in regular field lacrosse and results in a change of possession, and no goal, if a goal was scored on the play.

  • An offensive player may not “crash into” nor box the goalie out of his space. This will be goalie interference and results in a turnover at the Checkpoint.

  • An offensive player may not follow through on a shot and hit a defending opponent with their stick. The only exception is if the defender is rushing in on the offensive player and the offensive player’s stick was in the space first. The offensive player should try to control their stick at all times and a tie goes to the defender in most situations.


  • The will be ZERO TOLERANCE for fighting or threatening anyone while playing 3x. The offender’s team will forfeit their game. Instigators shall be treated more severely. Repeat offenders shall be suspended and/or expelled from the 3x Federation.

  • Slap and poke checks are allowed, but cannot be “too hard” and must be under control and not hit the opponent’s hands. Determination of whether a check is “too hard” or not should be agreed upon between the participants in a particular game.

  • Any checks must be AWAY from the ball carrier’s body and head. Wrap checks are not allowed.

  • On ground balls you are only allowed to play the ball. NO STICK CHECKS. NO BODY CHECKS. You may box out an opponent to gain position on a ground ball.

  • Penalties are “call your own foul,” but don’t be ticky-tack.

  • The point of the game is to have fun, compete and win or lose fairly, as the case may be. If teams cannot “play well together” then any player on either team may request for an objective referee to come and officiate the game. The referee’s rulings for the remainder of the game will be final and binding. If the referee’s calls do not seem to be fair, then any player on either team may request for a committee of three referees to come and officiate the game. The referee committee’s rulings for the remainder of the game will be final and binding. You may also want to consider going back to kindergarten and growing up!

  • Most penalties result in a change of possession, disallowed goal, both or some other penalty assessment that the teams agree or the referee(s) determines is fair under the circumstances.

  • Unsportsmanlike and unnecessary roughness penalties may result in a forfeit by the offending player’s team.